Nutritional Therapy Is the Application of Science Concerned With the Promotion of Health
You Are One of a Kind
The science of Nutrition respects that each individual is biochemically unique. Quite simply, we are not all the same, inside or out. So how can we expect a generic diet to suit everybody’s needs?
I Will Help You Find Your Body’s Balance
As a Nutritional Therapist I assess your current condition, in order to identify potential nutritional imbalances and understand how these may contribute to any symptoms and health concerns.
Using the Functional Medicine approach, I recognise that each person is completely individual with unique requirements, and therefore all programmes are personally tailored.
This approach allows me to work with individuals who may be suffering from chronic conditions as well as those simply looking for support to enhance their health and wellbeing.
Just Ask Yourself a Few Simple Questions
If Your Answer Is “Yes,” to Any of The Above, Then Nutritional Therapy Not Only Can But Will Help You

We All Know How Important Nutrition Is. What We Put Inside Our Bodies Literally Creates Who and How We Are
Unfortunately with all the mixed messages we receive via the media, there is a great deal of confusion and many people think they eat well when in fact there are often huge nutrient gaps in their diet! This can cause various ailments and conditions in the short term, and in the long term, illness and disease.
We’re all individuals and all have different nutritional needs based on age, gender and lifestyle. What we all need is a nutritional programme that’s as unique as us. Norbury Nutrition offers a simple, affordable way to safeguard your health by ensuring your diet is right for you.

Let food be thy medicine and medicine be thy food. (Hippocrates)
We’ll Just Take it Step By Step
Step 1
During the initial consultation we will go through a detailed health and medical questionnaire, so that a case file can be created containing all your relevant background data. You will also complete a further questionnaire, which will highlight any vitamin or mineral deficiencies. At the end of the initial consultation you will take away a 7-day food diary for you to complete and bring back to your next appointment. You will also be given advice as to where to start in terms of improving your diet so that you can begin your journey to improved health and wellbeing.
Step 2
During your second consultation your food diary will be examined in detail, highlighting any excesses or deficiencies. A plan of action will be discussed with recommendations regarding your future diet plan and a supplementation programme, where necessary. You will go away empowered with the individual information you needed to get yourself on the path to better health.
Step 3
During your third visit (which will be 1-3 months after your last consultation, depending on individual needs) we will review your diet and supplementation programme and address and necessary areas in order to keep you on track to health and wellness.
For those with simpler issues to address, your nutritional programme may have alleviated your issues and the three-stage programme may have reached all your targets for wellness. Whereas for some, whose health concerns are more complex, regular monitoring may be more appropriate. For the majority of people a quarterly or half yearly check up is appropriate. Your individual needs and circumstances will be taken into account when devising your future programme.
So Safeguard Your Health, Affordably. Book Your Consultation Today
Initial Consultation
90 minutes – £120
Follow-up Consultations
60 minutes – £80
Mini Checkup
30 minutes – £45
*Book both Initial and Follow-up consultation for £185
Prices cover both the stated contact time plus an additional 30-40mins (per client – per session) of preparation work. So, when it states 30mins for £45, you are getting over an hour of my dedicated time.
With only three steps to health and wellness, what have you got to lose?
Contact Abbie Today